We hope you had an amazing Christmas and we can't wait to see you all back at Reign Fitness!
But we didn't want to leave you without a workout and option to move for the beginning of your week so...
We're bringing you this guaranteed sweat session that is a full body workout.
We have options for no equipment and equipment variations.
Take your time, push the intensity, or even add some scaling/progressions of your own. Whatever you do, get moving!
“Christmas Cookies”
No equipment
50 Burpees
40 Squats
30 Mountain Climbers (L/R = 1)
20 Sit-ups
10 Walkout + Push-ups
20 Sit-ups
30 Mountain Climbers
40 Squats
50 Burpees
DB Minimal Equipment
50 Burpees
40 Db Alternating Lunges Rx 40/25
30 Db Alternating Snatches
20 Sit-ups
10 Walkout + Push-ups
20 Sit-ups
30 Db Alternating Snatches
40 Db Alternating Lunges Rx 40/25
50 Burpees
For additional more workout options check out the At Home Workouts section.