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Welcome To The Reign Fitness

"Cinco De Mayo" Lift Off

The wait is over...


In just two weeks, Reign Fitness will be hosting our very First Lift Off. 


The Lift Off will be an opportunity for our community to get together, support each other, and watch some of our AWESOME Reign Members lift some heavy weight. 


The event will take place on Saturday, May 5th (Cinco De Mayo) 2018 at 10am. 


Please Note: We will still be holding morning ReignFIT classes at 7am and 8am however the 9am Barbell class will be closed for the Lift Off. 



Once you register with the form at the bottom of this page... 


You will receive an email that includes points of performance for each movement, expectations as an athlete, and some additional athlete's information. 


We will also be hosting an Athlete's meeting on Friday, April 27th at 7pm to go over all the details in person. 


This meeting will go over:

- The lifts

- Strategies for the day of and day before (nutrition,mobility, etc)

- And any questions or concerns you may have.




Date: Saturday, May 5th, 2018

Starts: 10am - 3pm 


Your specific start time may differ based on the weight selections for your attempts. We will start with lower weights and slowly build up and of course announce a schedule as soon as we receive all entries. 


The three lifts: 

1. BB Clean 

2. BB Back Squat

3. BB Deadlift


Each lifter will be given 3 attempts to find a max weight and be allotted 2 minutes per attempt. 


If a lifter makes their lift, they have the choice of going heavier for their next two attempts. If the lifter fails their initial lift they can either attempt the same weight againor try for a heavier weight, but they will not be allowed to decrease weight. 


Warm-up & Pre Lift â€‹â€‹


You will have access to the Rig in the back to help you warmup before your attempts along with areas in the gym that are not sectioned off for the competition. We just ask that you please be respectful to the athletes who are officially attempting lifts and refrain from distracting behaviors. 


Please arrive by 10am to check-in, once you have checked in you are FREE to leave or do what you need to do before your first attempt starts. 


If you have any additional questions or comments, please reach out to Coach Jodeci at 

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